
Andrea Rega


Andrea Rega is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Industrial Engineering at University of Naples Federico II (UNINA). He is currently involved in EnerMan - ENERgy efficient manufacturing system MANagement - Horizon 2020 project <>, EU funded project that aims to allow the Factory of the Future to predict and manage its energy consumption in an efficient and autonomous way. During his Ph.D. in clinical and experimental medicine, his major research activities concerned the designing and manufacturing of patient-specific medical devices. His research interests include also Human-Robot Collaboration, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Digital Twin, and Modelling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems. From 2019 to 2021, he worked on the National Project "PON ARS01_00861 - Integrated Collaborative systems for Smart Factory (ICOSAF)" in collaboration with the Fraunhofer J-Lab IDEAS, Dept. of Industrial Engineering - University of Naples Federico II. He is the author of several journal papers and communications in international conferences. He was appointed as a member of the Italian Society of Biomechanics in Orthopedics and Traumatology (SIBOT) and the Italian Association of Design Methods and Tools for Industrial Engineering (ADM). He is also a member of the SUNISWELL research group born from the cooperation between FHOO-WELS, ISAE-SUPMECA and UNINA.